Republic Prodigy
What's really been interesting is seeing where each of the classes which I have not had the best of experience with are at now, just in case I suddenly found myself enjoying a class in 3.0 that I relegated to the sidelines in favour of the Gunslinger/Sniper duo.
Happy Life Day!
Thankfully, no Lumpawarrumps to be seen just yet.
This year, obviously keeping the Strongholds continually updated, we get Decorations from not one but three sources; the Life Day Reveler sells two for 20 Parcels each, the Cartel Market has a series of Decorations that can all be bought separately or in a bundle, and you have a chance to get a series of Trees by hitting Overheated Droids on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas with snowballs. Definitely better - and more fun - options this year than there were last year, although last year's speeders are still available for the same amounts if you missed out then.
This Life Day Event also brings in perhaps the most impressive Anniversary yet; whereas the first granted only Fireworks and the second GSF paintjobs, the third brings in free Decorations, which are all more than decent. Okay, the paintings are a bit tacky but we get Fireworks and a Galaxy Map for your Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace and Tactical Planning rooms respectively, which are both very awesome in theory and in practice. The fact that the former can be placed on Small Hooks makes them very versatile.
All in all, a good show thus far, and easily the most fleshed-out Anniversary and Life Day combo yet.
"Of Bugs and Men" or "Why Level 60 Hard Mode Flashpoints were virtually Worthless"
Shadow of Revan feelings
Over the last month, BioWare has been providing us very kindly with Livestreams of each of the changes. I'd thoroughly suggest watching those to see the animations, but if you wanted a more "hands-on" approach in order to have time to analyse exactly what is happening to your beloved Sentinel, Sniper, or Sage - to name a few - there happens to be a Discipline Calculator on Dulfy's website which you can peruse to your heart's content.
Whilst the rest of this entry will delve into changes coming with Disciplines, I will only be scratching the surface and talking about the new abilities, so if you want to see where exactly the changes fit in as a whole, the Calculator will provide a much more detailed result than I could ever achieve.
Of Commendations and Conversion Rates
So onto the rates.
- Classic: 2:1 Basic - accidentally transcribed this incorrectly as '3:1'
- Basic: 1:1 Basic
- Elite: 1:2 Basic
- Planetary 1:3 Basic
- Ultimate 1:3 Basic
So, say, you have all commendations capped to the max, you should be expecting to see 3,500 Basic Commendations, right?
BioWare have additionally stated that when the Conversion was applied, we would only have an "overflow" of 1,000 additional Basic Comms. This would mean that you could only have a maximum of 2,000 Basic Comms, regardless of how many Commendations you had that could be duly converted.
I must admit, I really do like this system. They're showing restraint with the maximum limits, thus stopping people from going particularly overboard, whilst at the same time accounting for the various levels and limits of each of the other types. For example, if we could have a limit of 200 Planetary Comms, we might see them at the same rate of Elites as opposed to Ultimates.
So now we have an additional question to answer: just what these Basic Commendations will allow us to buy. Personally, I'm very happy to wait and find out.
One week to go until 3.0!
Indeed, it's been the preparations for 3.0 that have, ashamedly, kept me from finding worthwhile things to actually report about here; I've done absolutely nothing in-game save for farming the Oricon and Ilum missions, day-after-day for the past 6 weeks (!), for their Commendations across the two characters that I feel I'll be using most come 3.0. This is in order to get the most from the as-of-yet-unannounced conversion rates for Basic Commendations. Even if all I'll be using them for is replacing Dread Forged mods, barrels, and enhancements with the Dread Master equivalents*, at least it will still be something to write home about.
I do promise to be more active following the launch of 3.0. I've yet to do a blog post showing off my Tatooine Stronghold.
Now that's a thought...
Shadow of Revan

So BioWare have officially announced some details on the upcoming 3.0, officially confirming its title as "Shadow of Revan". One can also pre-order the entire expansion for $19.99, or £11.99 if like me you happen to be British. This is of course more than the Rise of the Hutt Cartel by $10 or £6, but for what you get I honestly believe that this price differential is worth it.
Oh, please make sure to watch the trailer. Even if you don't 'agree' with one of the scenes - you'll know which when you see it - it is so beautiful and showcases just how brilliant SWTOR's cutscene animations are compared to when the game first came out.
Forged Alliances concludes in epic fashion
Now, part 3 is out, and we now have the only Flashpoint - in my opinion - of the set which has both an enjoyable story and a fantastic Flashpoint experience.
Update on previous post
However, it has done exactly that, and BioWare have responded that they implemented this restriction to negate performance issues that would arise from having a lot of NPCs of various sizes in so many different versions of the same place at once.
2.9: Galactic Strongholds

Pip's beloved computer station was confiscated upon entry to Manaan by the paranoid Selkath
So today 2.9 went live and has brought with it a whole host of brilliant things. As you can gather from the picture above, a new planet - Manaan - can now be visited although it is nothing more than a hub for codex entries, a flashpoint entrance, and a vendor. Part 2 of "Forged Alliances" has also been released to go with this.
Finally, the Galactic Strongholds and Guild Ships have finally made their way to us. A lot of people will be thrilled to finally deck out their own house while others are more interested in the Conquest that tides us over until 3.0 brings in its inevitable raid.
2.10 Patch Notes and Class Changes, and then some
Recently, BioWare released patch notes for 2.10 to be released on the PTS. For the time being, they contain only class changes and nothing more specific - Forged Alliances Part 3 is not being released at this moment on the PTS, but that's the only other thing that should otherwise be there to our knowledge.
Since then, BioWare have gone through a whole host of changes to the changes. They've reworked the Gunslinger changes, and are still having fun making amendments to Sorc/Sage healing.
Whilst they're still making their mind up, let's congratulate the Marauders and Shadows on only getting one version of changes!
Another Faction at Legend
Today, I finally managed to hit Legend Rank with the Gree. Whilst I was playing the game a good deal back when they first came - this pales to my play-time nowadays, though, due to difference in available time - I just didn't get into the Gree at all. I think it was the fact that there were two PvP-flag-compulsory missions and back then, I had a Vanguard Tank and Tanks in general always had a sharp stick in their Shield Generators in PvP before 2.0 hit.
I can't remember which visitation of the Gree's it was that caused me to finally pull my finger out and start gaining Reputation - I think it was their third; whichever it was, I was "Friend" by the time that the most recent one hit and saved up enough across three characters to get to Legend.
So that means that I can finally undergo on that Junior Research Project and gain an honorary deGree in species analysis.
Making the most of Raid Hiatus
Rakghouls, Rakghouls, Rakghouls

Blogging from the Rakghoul Tunnels
So the Rakghouls are back yet again, this time on Tatooine, after nearly seven entire months of waiting since Alderaan.
For one, I'm thrilled to see them return. It's been, as I say, quite some time since the event was previously live, and it's nice to have this as a filler before Strongholds go live in ten days' time. I had a lot of things to still catch up upon from last time, such as needing to complete four more Rakling achievements - that Symbiote still evades me to this day - and some more Reputation.
Actually getting around to doing this.
So, yeah, SWTOR, yadda yadda, Sith, yadda yadda, Republic. You know the rest if you've played the game and read other blogs of this nature.
Just to explain the "Spawn of the Dread Master" joke: I absolutely adore the Dread Masters, and my Gunslinger suffered from this adoration by earning herself a re-name after my favourite of the bunch: Calphayus. My guild (and one of my friends) being as they are, one thing led to another, and now I have this joke.
The characters who you will see/red about most often are my Sniper and my Gunslinger, being as they are may two main characters. In fact, you're more likely to see the Sniper, as she owns "Data Entry" and so will head a great deal many of the blogposts.
To actually begin with, I'll start with some retroactive blog posts about certain events in-game over the last few weeks and months, as they're still worth talking about in my mind.
And so, I officially declare this blog "Open!"